Green light

Glass Times editor Nathan Bushell argues that it isn’t just the environment that benefits from a workable green policy.

This morning I received an email from the Earth Day Network, the global coordinator of Earth Day, which provided details of The Great Global Cleanup.

This event in April is “expected to be the largest volunteer event in history”.

What is essentially a massive litter pick, the press release said: “The goal is to remove billions of pieces of trash from our green spaces, urban communities, and waterways. Improved health and positive growth can be achieved once people gain the expectation that their community will be clean.”

OK, you don’t get many old windows lying abandoned beside old shopping trolleys in canals, so you are probably asking what this has to do with fenestration.

With the public’s attention on the environment – and particularly the climate – greater than ever before, it makes business sense to have one eye on the environmental impact of your company and your products.

As we have already reported, this year will see the revisions to Part L of the Building Regulations come into force, and companies and organisations like Pilkington and GGF are responding accordingly with information and advice.

So, on the one hand, keeping up to date with the latest developments will keep your business compliant, but there is also growing evidence that suggests having a comprehensive environmental policy can have a positive effect on your bottom line.

Homeowners will want to talk about security, aesthetics and performance of the products you supply. However, they will increasingly want to talk about your environmental impact. Should this be tucked away on a hard-to-find page on your website, when it is likely that this could soon be the conversation starter?

Your thoughts, as always, are appreciated.